Facebook Friends

Before our Youth Group meeting began, we went to the Cristo Redentor Parish Hall and met with the Charismatic Prayer Group. The hall was full, and the band was set up. There were a couple of introductions, and then we sang songs. They were all in Spanish, but they had hand motions, so with my miniscule Spanish understanding and following the hand and body motions, I could understand a little. We sang about the big God that we serve. We sang about His Blessed Mother. After we finished singing, the youth and I went back to the Church for our group meeting. I asked the kids about some of the other songs. They said one was talking about worshiping with our whole body. They are all bilingual, some prefer English and some prefer Spanish, and some it doesn’t matter. They are smack dab in the middle of two cultures. I ask myself, “How can I help them?”

We read from the Gospel of Luke, and share what we feel that Jesus is saying to us. We talk about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and how we should examine our conscious. We pray, and we eat. While we are eating the phones come out. One boy has just gotten Facebook. I tell them I have Facebook, and they help me add themselves as friends.

Hopefully, I can be more than a Facebook friend.

About dwinger

Former farmer, now college instructor
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