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12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 23, 2024

Job 38:1, 8-11; Ps 107; 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41

As I recall, it was early November
We were turning fresh calves out on wheat
We had hauled them out and kept them in the pens

The weather was turning cold and the wind was blustery
I was going to leave the calves penned overnight and turn them on the wheat the next morning
Dad didn’t like turning calves out on an electric fence in the evening
He liked to do it in the morning, so we could keep an eye on them all day

That’s when it happened…
The gate to the pasture came open
And the calves started to walk and then trot out the gate
I couldn’t get to it to get it closed

And then the wind began to pick up even more and clouds started to build in the west
I knew I had to hurry
I got in my pickup and headed to the house
I called the boys
I told them to get ready
We had cattle out

I was going to saddle our horses and hook up the trailer
And then swing by the house and pick them up

I knew we didn’t have much time
The calves would walk down about a mile of fence line
Then they would come to an electric fence
I was sure they would walk right through it, and get on the county road
And then no telling how far they would go before we could catch up to them

The boys were ready
They were about 9 and 10 years old at the time
We got out to the field, unloaded the horses, and mounted up
And we took off at a lope

And that’s when it started to snow
The wind was blowing pretty hard and the flakes were getting bigger and coming down harder
We had hardly got to going and Ryan broke a stirrup
We didn’t have time to fix it, so I told him to go back to the pickup

Reid and I caught up with the cattle after about ¾ of a mile
We got them turned around and started heading them back towards the pens
It wasn’t easy because now we were driving them straight into the wind and the snow
And the snow had picked up and was coming down pretty hard

We were about a half mile from the pens
And Reid started to tell me that he was cold
And he started to cry a little
And then he told me that “he didn’t know if he could make it.”

That startled me a little
I was cold too
But I knew we only had a little ways to go
I knew it might hurt a bit, but we would be okay

Then I thought to myself
“This is probably the coldest Reid has ever been in his life”
“He doesn’t know how much he can take”
“He doesn’t know how tough he can be”

So, I rode my horse up to Reid’s
We turned the horses away from the wind and the snow
I put my arm around Reid, and I said a prayer

We turned the horses around and drove the calves back to the pens
We had made it through the storm

Job had a good life
The Lord was with him
But things turned bad
He lost his fortune
He lost his family
He lost his health

Job had thought the Lord had abandoned him
But the Lord had not abandoned him
He was with him through it all
The Lord was with Job through the good and the bad
And the Lord addressed Job in the midst of the storm

The storm at sea has troubled the apostles
But Jesus is at peace and asleep
He rebukes the wind
Jesus is always in control
During the good and the bad
He is with us always

Storms come up in all of our lives
They come in different shapes and forms

We know that storms will come
That’s why it’s good to prepare
If we know we are getting a big snow, we prepare
We know we have threats of tornadoes
So, we are prepared and know what we will do when we have one

Are we prepared for the storms ahead in our lives?
They will come
They will hit us out of the blue when we least expect it
Are we ready?

Have we built a solid spiritual foundation that can help us get through a storm?
Have we helped our children build a foundation on the rock for the storms ahead in their lives?
Do we know where to turn?
Do our children know where to turn?

Turn to Jesus
He is with us always
He is with us in the storms of our lives

Turn to him
Hold onto him
When we hold fast to Jesus, even during the storm
We will find hope
We will find peace

About dwinger

Former farmer, now college instructor
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